Protect Your Business At All Times With Positive Pay
This Key Banking Service Safeguards Your Business Checks
Any business that pays a wide range of vendors and employees is vulnerable to check fraud. The higher volume of checks you write, the riskier check fraud becomes.
Greatly reduce check fraud with Verimore Bank’s positive pay system. We provide businesses with more control over their check monitoring process through this key service. By monitoring the checks you issue against checks that are deposited, we ensure that there are no discrepancies, and you can avoid the repercussions of fraudulent activity.
The Benefits Of Positive Pay Banking
The positive pay system is easy to use, so you can guard against check fraud. Here’s how positive pay works:
1. Your business submits checks electronically to our secure system.
2. Each of your checks that is presented at a bank or through online banking is cross-referenced against the ones you’ve issued.
3. If anything doesn’t match, such as the amount or check number, these are submitted to you for verification.
4. After the verification process takes place, the check can be approved or rejected.
The benefits of this protective banking service include:
● Enhanced security: Take the extra precautions necessary to guard against fraudulent activity.
● Loss reduction: Many businesses deal with security-related costs each year. Avoid these with positive pay banking.
● Customer assurance: Your clients appreciate your commitment to safety and security.
● Electronic papertrail: Maintain records of all outgoing checks.
● Peace of mind: Know that your business’s assets are safeguarded with Verimore Bank.

Verimore Bank Helps Keep Your Business Running Strong
Our positive pay system is one of many highly effective products and services we offer to ensure your business thrives in the short- and long-term. We protect your financial interests, so you can worry about growing your company and experiencing all the success you deserve.
Along with positive pay banking, Verimore Bank offers these solutions to help you embrace every challenge while you run your business:
● Business loans, including agricultural and construction loans
● Revolving lines of credit
● Cash management
● Remote deposit
● And much more.
Visit One Of Our Five Verimore Bank Locations
Find Verimore Bank in North Kansas City, Kearney, Eagleville, Milan, and Brookfield. Our branches are located right in your community, so you’ll always have the business and personal banking support you need.
You deserve a bank that will champion your business at all times, celebrating you when you’ve met your goals and offering critical solutions, like positive pay banking. That’s what we’re here to do.