Banking Power Is In Your Hands When You Find a Bank Near You With Free Checking  Getting a free checking account is all about opening the door to new opportunities. A checking account gives you access to new ways to use your hard-earned money, whether you’re at home or on the go.  If you’re looking for a bank near you with free checking, you’re on your way to being able to use your money exactly how you want to, on your terms. Keep reading to learn four key tips for how to use your free checking account.  Take Advantage Of Every Feature a Free Checking Account Offers The biggest piece of advice that everyone who uses a checking account should take is this: make sure you’re taking advantage of all the features and tools that come with your account. They exist to make so many areas of your life much easier.  Here are just a few of the features a Verimore Bank free checking account offers: A debit card for your account ATM access Mobile payment ...

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